Partner us
Recruiters and staffing firms
We can help you fast forward your search for " great fit" candidates, by pre assessing them. We can also help your clients update their resumes or LinkedIn profiles before you present them to your employers.
Immigration and settlement firms
Give additional support to your clients to prepare for job search for Canada. We can help your clients in job research,resume, LinkedIn,networking and more.
Schools and Colleges
We can help your students get employed quickly. We offer special interactive presentations on how to save time and get dream job faster. Students learn real life skills to find jobs.
Career consultants
We can help your clients find jobs in their respective careers. Extend your support beyond choosing a study program to finding a good job faster. They can learn real life skills to find jobs quickly.
Give a gift to your employees find jobs in case of layoffs. We can help them in updating resume,LinkedIn and provide one to one guidance.
Referrals and affiliations
We are open to referral and affiliation arrangements to help job seekers get the best services. Feel free to email us or call us for more details.
About you
Please tell us about you and your company. We would be glad to associate with you if you share the same mission for fast-forwarding job search time and unlocking the true potential available in Candidates.
There are several ways we can work together some of them are listed below:
1)Job Match listing
3)Job postings
- Toronto,Canada
- 1 416 562 4262
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